Adam Baruch

This is the third album by the Polish Jazz quartet Beat Freaks, which comprises of guitarist / composer Michal Starkiewicz, saxophonist Tomasz Licak, (new Italian, resident in Poland) bassist Flavio Gullotta and drummer Radek Wosko. They are joined by American trumpeter Ralph Alessi. The album presents fourteen tracks, nine of which were composed by Starkiewicz, one by Wosko and four are co-credited to the quartet members and Alessi. The music was recorded at the excellent Monochrom Studio and engineered by Ignacy Gruszecki, with the usual superb sonic quality. 

The music on this album is revolutionary different from the two earlier albums recorded by the quartet and presents a giant step forward in their musical development. The straightforward Fusion direction is completely gone and the music here offers an excellent Free Form / Improvised Music meeting. Despite the openness and Freedom, the music is subtly but decidedly very well organized, based on beautiful melodic themes, which serve as vehicles to the extensive improvisations. 

Not surprisingly, Alessi is the dominant soloist and sets the direction of the music, but the quartet members are noticeably featured and given ample opportunity to contribute. Starkiewicz lets go of his role as a dominant leader, which is exactly what was needed in these circumstances, and adds concise guitar licks, which add both harmonic and rhythmic support. Gullotta is a true godsend, as his firm and precise bass pulsations are cementing the music into a cohesive whole. Licak stands bravely shoulder to shoulder with Alessi, contributing coherently and with remarkable feeling and Wosko adds the highly irregular rhythmic layer, which fits the music perfectly. In short this session simply works together like a dream. Although I am not familiar with the entire very extensive recording legacy by Alessi, I’d go as far as to say that this is definitely one of his finest moments so far, despite the impressive gallery of names of his American recording partners. 

Overall, this is a highly surprising album by Beat Freaks, which catapults them directly into the “serious league” of the Polish Jazz scene, with one of the best recordings so far released in 2024. I truly hope they found their new vocation and will continue on this path in the future, and of course wish them all the best. Hats off, Gentlemen! 

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